Disaster Recovery

We Can Help with Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery (DR) includes procedures and processes that prepare an organization’s vital IT infrastructure to effectively recover from any natural or human-induced disasters.
Such disasters include cyber-attacks, equipment failure or hurricanes or other natural disasters.

In some cases, companies are left scrambling until a disaster happens. Protected Books can absolutely help in that case, but it is best to have a complete Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) in place.

Such a plan should include:

  • Complete computer room environments
  • Critical IT hardware including network infrastructure, servers, desktop or laptop computers, and wireless devices
  • Enterprise software applications
  • Data storage devices or applications

The DRP can include internal resources and vendor-supported resources. Those resources will dictate the time it takes for recovery in the event of a disaster.

At Protected Books, we understand businesses can’t function without system availability and will need their data recovered ASAP. Our technicians are experienced in these situations and have helped businesses get back up and running fast, even those without a DRP in place.


Disasters such as cyber-attacks, equipment failure or hurricanes or other natural disasters can result in huge losses for businesses, we can help.

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